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  • .PHONY: help all install-test install compile-sass quality test covreport upgrade
    help: ## display this help message
    	@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
    	@grep '^[a-zA-Z]' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk -F ':.*?## ' 'NF==2 {printf "\033[36m  %-25s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
    all: install compile-sass quality test
    	pip install -q -r requirements/test.txt
    compile-sass:  ## Compile the Sass assets
    	sass --no-cache --style compressed ./lti_consumer/static/sass/student.scss ./lti_consumer/static/css/student.css
    quality:  ## Run the quality checks
    	pycodestyle --config=.pep8 lti_consumer
    	pylint --rcfile=pylintrc lti_consumer
    	python -q sdist
    	twine check dist/*
    test:  ## Run the tests
    	mkdir -p var
    	rm -rf .coverage
    	python -m coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc ./ --noinput
    Eric Herrera's avatar
    Eric Herrera committed
    covreport:  ## Show the coverage results
    	python -m coverage report -m --skip-covered
    Eric Herrera's avatar
    Eric Herrera committed
    upgrade: export CUSTOM_COMPILE_COMMAND=make upgrade
    upgrade: ## update the requirements/*.txt files with the latest packages satisfying requirements/*.in
    	pip install -q -r requirements/pip_tools.txt
    	pip-compile --upgrade -o requirements/pip_tools.txt requirements/
    	pip-compile --upgrade -o requirements/base.txt requirements/
    	pip-compile --upgrade -o requirements/dev.txt requirements/
    Eric Herrera's avatar
    Eric Herrera committed
    	pip-compile --upgrade -o requirements/test.txt requirements/
    	pip-compile --upgrade -o requirements/tox.txt requirements/
    	pip-compile --upgrade -o requirements/travis.txt requirements/
    	# Let tox control the Django version version for tests
    	grep -e "^django==" requirements/test.txt > requirements/django.txt
    	sed '/^[dD]jango==/d' requirements/test.txt > requirements/test.tmp
    	mv requirements/test.tmp requirements/test.txt
    ## Localization targets
    WORKING_DIR := lti_consumer
    EXTRACT_DIR := $(WORKING_DIR)/translations/en/LC_MESSAGES
    EXTRACTED_DJANGO := $(EXTRACT_DIR)/django-partial.po
    EXTRACTED_DJANGOJS := $(EXTRACT_DIR)/djangojs-partial.po
    extract_translations: ## extract strings to be translated, outputting .po files
    	cd $(WORKING_DIR) && i18n_tool extract
    	sed -i'' -e 's/nplurals=INTEGER/nplurals=2/' $(EXTRACTED_TEXT)
    	sed -i'' -e 's/plural=EXPRESSION/plural=\(n != 1\)/' $(EXTRACTED_TEXT)
    compile_translations: ## compile translation files, outputting .mo files for each supported language
    	cd $(WORKING_DIR) && i18n_tool generate
    	cd $(WORKING_DIR) && i18n_tool changed
    dummy_translations: ## generate dummy translation (.po) files
    	cd $(WORKING_DIR) && i18n_tool dummy
    build_dummy_translations: dummy_translations compile_translations ## generate and compile dummy translation files
    validate_translations: build_dummy_translations detect_changed_source_translations ## validate translations