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xblock_lti_consumer.js 10.4 KiB
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  • function LtiConsumerXBlock(runtime, element) {
        $(function ($) {
            // Adapted from leanModal v1.1 by Ray Stone -
            // Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL
            // Renamed leanModal to iframeModal to avoid clash with platform-provided leanModal
            // which removes the href attribute from iframe elements upon modal closing
                iframeModal: function (options) {
                    var $trigger = $(this);
                    var modal_id = $"target");
                    var defaults = { top: 100, overlay: 0.5, closeButton: null };
                    var overlay_id = (modal_id + '_lean-overlay').replace('#', '');
                    var overlay = $("<div id='" + overlay_id + "' class='lean-overlay'></div>");
                    options = $.extend(defaults, options);
                    return this.each(function () {
                        var o = options;
                        var $modal = $(modal_id);
                        // If we are already in an iframe, skip creation of the modal, since
                        // it won't look good, anyway. Instead, we post a message to the parent
                        // window, requesting creation of a modal there.
                        // This is used by the courseware microfrontend.
                        if (window !== window.parent) {
                            // LTI 1.1 launch URLs are XBlock handler URLs that point to the lti_launch_handler method of
                            // the XBlock. When we get the handler URL from the runtime, it returns a relative URL without a
                            // protocol or hostname. However, in LTI 1.3, the launch URLs come from user input, including
                            // the values of fields on the XBlock or fields in the database. These URLs should be absolute
                            // URLs with a protocol and hostname, so we should not prepend a protocol and hostname to those
                            // URLs.
                            var launch_url = $'launch-url');
                            if (ltiVersion === 'lti_1p1') {
                                launch_url = window.location.origin + launch_url
                                    'type': 'plugin.modal',
                                    'payload': {
                                        'title': $modal.find('iframe').attr('title'),
                                        'width': $'width')
                        // Set iframe src attribute to launch LTI provider.
                        $modal.find('iframe').attr('src', $'launch-url'));
                        $("#" + overlay_id).click(function () {
                        $(o.closeButton).click(function () {
                        var modal_height = $(modal_id).outerHeight();
                        var modal_width = $(modal_id).outerWidth();
                        $("#" + overlay_id).css({ "display": "block", opacity: 0 });
                        $("#" + overlay_id).fadeTo(200, o.overlay);
                            "display": "block"
                        $(modal_id).fadeTo(200, 1);
                        $(modal_id).attr('aria-hidden', false);
                        $('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');
                            /* Manage focus for modal dialog */
                            /* Set focus on close button */
                            /* Redirect close button to iframe */
                            $(o.closeButton).on('keydown', function (e) {
                               if (e.which === 9) {
                                   // This is a workaround due to Firefox triggering focus calls oddly.
                                   setTimeout(function () {
                                   }, 1);
                        /* Redirect non-iframe tab to close button */
                        var $inputs = $('select, input, textarea, button, a').filter(':visible').not(o.closeButton);
                        $inputs.on('focus', function (e) {
                        var $modal = $(modal_id);
                        $('select, input, textarea, button, a').off('focus');
                        $modal.attr('aria-hidden', true);
                        $modal.find('iframe').attr('src', '');
            function confirmDialog(message, triggerElement, showCancelButton) {
                var def = $.Deferred();
                // In order to scope the dialog container to the lti-consumer-container, grab the ID of the
                // lti-consumer-container ancestor and append it to the ID of the dialog container.
                var container_id = triggerElement.closest(".lti-consumer-container").attr("id");
                var dialog_container_id = "dialog-container-" + container_id;
                // Hide the button that triggered the event, i.e. the launch button.
                $('<div id="' + dialog_container_id + '"></div>').insertAfter(triggerElement) // TODO: this will need some cute styling. It looks like trash but it works.
                var $dialog_container = $("#" + dialog_container_id);
                    .append('<button style="margin-right:1rem" id="cancel-button">Cancel</button>');
                $dialog_container.append('<button id="confirm-button">OK</button>');
                // When a learner clicks "OK" or "Cancel" in the consent dialog, remove the consent dialog, show the launch
                // button, and resolve the promise.
                $dialog_container.find('#confirm-button').click(function () {
                    // Show the button that triggered the event, i.e. the launch button.
                    $('body').append('<h1>Confirm Dialog Result: <i>Yes</i></h1>');
                $dialog_container.find('#cancel-button').click(function () {
                    // Hide the button that triggered the event, i.e. the launch button.
                    $('body').append('<h1>Confirm Dialog Result: <i>No</i></h1>');
                return def.promise();
            var $element = $(element);
            var $ltiContainer = $element.find('.lti-consumer-container');
            var askToSendUsername = $'ask-to-send-username') == 'True';
            var askToSendEmail = $'ask-to-send-email') == 'True';
            var ltiVersion = $'lti-version');
            function renderPIIConsentPromptIfRequired(onSuccess, showCancelButton=true) {
                if (askToSendUsername && askToSendEmail) {
                    msg = gettext("Click OK to have your username and e-mail address sent to a 3rd party application.\n\nClick Cancel to return to this page without sending your information.");
                    msg = gettext("Click OK to have your username sent to a 3rd party application.\n\nClick Cancel to return to this page without sending your information.");
                    msg = gettext("Click OK to have your e-mail address sent to a 3rd party application.\n\nClick Cancel to return to this page without sending your information.");
                } else {
                $.when(confirmDialog(msg, $(this), showCancelButton)).then(onSuccess);
            // Render consent dialog for inline elements immediately.
            var $ltiIframeContainerElement = $element.find('#lti-iframe-container');
            $ltiIframeContainerElement.each(function () {
                var ltiIframeTarget = $'target')
                renderPIIConsentPromptIfRequired.apply(this, [
                    function (status) {
                        if (status === 'OK') {
                            // After getting consent to share PII, set the src attribute of the iframe to start the launch.
                            $ltiIframeContainerElement.find('iframe').attr('src', ltiIframeTarget);
            // Apply click handler to modal launch button.
            var $ltiModalButton = $element.find('.btn-lti-modal');
            $ () {
                renderPIIConsentPromptIfRequired.apply(this, [
                    function (status) {
                        if (status === 'OK') {
                                top: 200, closeButton: '.close-modal'
            // Apply click handler to new window launch button.
            var $ltiNewWindowButton = $element.find('.btn-lti-new-window');
            $ () {
                renderPIIConsentPromptIfRequired.apply(this, [
                    function (status) {
                        if (status == "OK") {