michaelroytman authored
* Adds an Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData data class. It should be included as an attribute of the Lti1p3LaunchData data class to provide necessary proctoring data for a proctoring launch. * Adds an LtiProctoringConsumer class. This class is used to generate LTI proctoring launch requests and to decode and validate the JWT send back by the Tool with the LtiStartAssessment message. * Adds an lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled BooleanField to the LtiConfiguration model. This field controls whether proctoring is enabled for a particular LTI integration. * Modifies the launch_gate_endpoint to support LtiStartProctoring and LtiEndAssessment LTI launch messages. * Adds an start_proctoring_assessment_endpoint to support LtiStartAssessment messages from the Tool. * Adds an LTI_1P3_PROCTORING_ASSESSMENT_STARTED signal. This signal is emitted when the LtiStartAssessment message is sent from the Tool to inform users of the library that the LtiStartAssessment message has been received.
michaelroytman authored* Adds an Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData data class. It should be included as an attribute of the Lti1p3LaunchData data class to provide necessary proctoring data for a proctoring launch. * Adds an LtiProctoringConsumer class. This class is used to generate LTI proctoring launch requests and to decode and validate the JWT send back by the Tool with the LtiStartAssessment message. * Adds an lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled BooleanField to the LtiConfiguration model. This field controls whether proctoring is enabled for a particular LTI integration. * Modifies the launch_gate_endpoint to support LtiStartProctoring and LtiEndAssessment LTI launch messages. * Adds an start_proctoring_assessment_endpoint to support LtiStartAssessment messages from the Tool. * Adds an LTI_1P3_PROCTORING_ASSESSMENT_STARTED signal. This signal is emitted when the LtiStartAssessment message is sent from the Tool to inform users of the library that the LtiStartAssessment message has been received.