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include BP calculations in transformed parameters block, improve declaration...

Renato Panaro requested to merge dev into master

include BP calculations in transformed parameters block, improve declaration for better understanding and include flexibility for BP parameters prior specification; details below:

1 - replace p by q to denote the nº of features in data block 2 - replcace dist by rand to denote the type of frailty 3 - replace b and B by g and G to denote BP basis 4 - replace priorpars by par1_gamma and par2_gamma- now vector of size m (one for each gamma) 5 - replace priordist by priordist_gamma- now vector of size m 6 - replace beta_scaled and gamma_scaled by gamma_star and beta_star

all of the above changes are intended to make the program more mnemonic in accordance with arXiv:2003.10548

7 - omit standartization of the transformed effect beta_star 8 - include loop for BP basis in the transformed parameters block, excerpt withdrawn from the loglik_aft function in loglikbp.stan

9 - update arguments of loglik functions in loglikbp.stan 10 - include a for loop to accomodate prior selection for each BP parameter

Merge request reports
