"tests/test_mpsd_software.py" did not exist on "afade2a4e4e6b6b75c5c2d3dc2912dccda2a4acd"
export data_functions, save_path, getValues
import Pkg
using DataFrames
using DelimitedFiles
# Dict of the functions used for evaluation
# QUESTION Calculate Variance for all of these?
data_type_functions = Dict(
:served_percentage => RP.served_percentage,
:driven_distance => RP.driven_distance,
:requested_distance => RP.requested_distance,
:mean_relative_delay => RP.mean_relative_delay,
# :mean_occupancy => RP.mean_occupancy, #BUG In Reading TUples from a CSV File
Converts a given index to a 2D Matrix Index with the given Matrix size
function getValue(index, xmin, xmax, xlen, ymin, ymax, ylen)
xstep = (xmax-xmin)/xlen
ystep = (ymax-ymin)/ylen
x = (index%xlen) * xstep + xmin
y = trunc(Int64, index/ylen) * ystep + ymin
return x,y
function getLogValue(index, xmin, xmax, xlen::Int64, ymin, ymax, ylen::Int64)
xs = exp.(LinRange(log(xmin), log(xmax), xlen))
ys = LinRange(log(ymin), log(ymax), ylen)
x = xs[(index)%xlen+1]
y = ys[trunc(Int64, (index)/ylen)+1]
return x,y
function getLogLogValue(index, xmin, xmax, xlen::Int64, ymin, ymax, ylen::Int64)
xs = exp.(LinRange(log(xmin), log(xmax), xlen))
ys = exp.(LinRange(log(ymin), log(ymax), ylen))
x = xs[(index)%xlen+1]
y = ys[trunc(Int64, (index)/ylen)+1]
Function for Running a RidePooling simulation with the normalized Frequency x
function simulate_rp(paths::Dict, N::Int64, x, y, t0::Float64, specs, request_type; served = 10*N, requested=10*N)
@time model=RP.get_model(;N_bus=N,ν=x/t0,specs...);
@time RP.run!(model;requested=requested, served=served)
for (name, func) in data_type_functions
data[name] = func(model)
# Save the calculated Data
data = DataFrame(data)
writedlm(io, Iterators.flatten(([names(data)], eachrow(data))), ';')
#Save the model for possible later reference
RP.savemodel(paths[:model]*"$(lpad(index, 5, "0")).model",model;route_matrix=false)