"id": "4a9df551",
"outputs": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"\u001b[32m\u001b[1m Activating\u001b[22m\u001b[39m project at `~/Documents/thesis/ridepooling_simulations`\n"
"import Pkg;\n",
"using Plots, Measurements, LaTeXStrings, DataFrames\n",
"using Serialization"
"id": "05404891",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"#path = \"/scratch01.local/rhaag/comparison/drive_and_wait/combined_delays/anywt1_anydt01/\"\n",
"#name = \"/results_.df\"\n",
"name1 = \"./Playing field/drive_and_wait/anywt1.df\"\n",
"name = \"./Playing field/drive_and_wait/anywt035.df\"\n",
"name2 = \"./Playing field/resubmission/anywt035.df\"\n",
"id": "f70c45b0",
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"results = deserialize(name)\n",
"id": "70298a66",
"ename": "LoadError",
"evalue": "UndefVarError: getVal not defined",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"UndefVarError: getVal not defined",
" [1] top-level scope",
" @ In[4]:2",
" [2] eval",
" @ ./boot.jl:373 [inlined]",
" [3] include_string(mapexpr::typeof(REPL.softscope), mod::Module, code::String, filename::String)",
" @ Base ./loading.jl:1196"
"source": [
"# Plot two colums against each other\n",
"x = getVal.(results.dt_earliest_pickup)\n",
"id": "15552d74",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"ename": "LoadError",
"evalue": "BoundsError: attempt to access 1585×27 DataFrame at index [1:1600, :]",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"BoundsError: attempt to access 1585×27 DataFrame at index [1:1600, :]",
" [1] getindex(df::DataFrame, row_inds::UnitRange{Int64}, #unused#::Colon)",
" @ DataFrames ~/.julia/packages/DataFrames/vuMM8/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl:565",
" [2] top-level scope",
" [3] eval",
" @ ./boot.jl:373 [inlined]",
" [4] include_string(mapexpr::typeof(REPL.softscope), mod::Module, code::String, filename::String)",
" @ Base ./loading.jl:1196"
"source": [
"results[1:1600, :]"
"cell_type": "code",
"id": "5b93172b",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
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Q945.044 1462.32 945.044 1459.35 Q945.044 1455.21 947.984 1452.8 Q950.947 1450.39 956.086 1450.39 Q961.248 1450.39 964.188 1452.8 Q967.127 1455.21 967.127 1459.35 Q967.127 1462.32 965.438 1464.38 Q963.771 1466.44 960.785 1467.18 Q964.164 1467.96 966.039 1470.26 Q967.938 1472.55 967.938 1475.86 Q967.938 1480.88 964.859 1483.57 Q961.803 1486.25 956.086 1486.25 Q950.368 1486.25 947.289 1483.57 Q944.234 1480.88 944.234 1475.86 Q944.234 1472.55 946.132 1470.26 Q948.03 1467.96 951.41 1467.18 M949.697 1459.79 Q949.697 1462.48 951.364 1463.98 Q953.053 1465.49 956.086 1465.49 Q959.095 1465.49 960.785 1463.98 Q962.498 1462.48 962.498 1459.79 Q962.498 1457.11 960.785 1455.6 Q959.095 1454.1 956.086 1454.1 Q953.053 1454.1 951.364 1455.6 Q949.697 1457.11 949.697 1459.79 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip480)\" d=\"M986.248 1454.1 Q982.637 1454.1 980.808 1457.66 Q979.002 1461.2 979.002 1468.33 Q979.002 1475.44 980.808 1479.01 Q982.637 1482.55 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1468.33 Q1481.51 1459.58 1484.57 1455 Q1487.64 1450.39 1493.45 1450.39 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip480)\" d=\"M1513.62 1479.7 L1518.5 1479.7 L1518.5 1485.58 L1513.62 1485.58 L1513.62 1479.7 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip480)\" d=\"M1538.69 1469.17 Q1535.35 1469.17 1533.43 1470.95 Q1531.53 1472.73 1531.53 1475.86 Q1531.53 1478.98 1533.43 1480.77 Q1535.35 1482.55 1538.69 1482.55 Q1542.02 1482.55 1543.94 1480.77 Q1545.86 1478.96 1545.86 1475.86 Q1545.86 1472.73 1543.94 1470.95 Q1542.04 1469.17 1538.69 1469.17 M1534.01 1467.18 Q1531 1466.44 1529.31 1464.38 Q1527.64 1462.32 1527.64 1459.35 Q1527.64 1455.21 1530.58 1452.8 Q1533.55 1450.39 1538.69 1450.39 Q1543.85 1450.39 1546.79 1452.8 Q1549.73 1455.21 1549.73 1459.35 Q1549.73 1462.32 1548.04 1464.38 Q1546.37 1466.44 1543.38 1467.18 Q1546.76 1467.96 1548.64 1470.26 Q1550.54 1472.55 1550.54 1475.86 Q1550.54 1480.88 1547.46 1483.57 Q1544.4 1486.25 1538.69 1486.25 Q1532.97 1486.25 1529.89 1483.57 Q1526.83 1480.88 1526.83 1475.86 Q1526.83 1472.55 1528.73 1470.26 Q1530.63 1467.96 1534.01 1467.18 M1532.3 1459.79 Q1532.3 1462.48 1533.96 1463.98 Q1535.65 1465.49 1538.69 1465.49 Q1541.7 1465.49 1543.38 1463.98 Q1545.1 1462.48 1545.1 1459.79 Q1545.1 1457.11 1543.38 1455.6 Q1541.7 1454.1 1538.69 1454.1 Q1535.65 1454.1 1533.96 1455.6 Q1532.3 1457.11 1532.3 1459.79 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip480)\" d=\"M1558.89 1451.02 L1577.25 1451.02 L1577.25 1454.96 L1563.18 1454.96 L1563.18 1463.43 Q1564.19 1463.08 1565.21 1462.92 Q1566.23 1462.73 1567.25 1462.73 Q1573.04 1462.73 1576.42 1465.9 Q1579.8 1469.08 1579.8 1474.49 Q1579.8 1480.07 1576.32 1483.17 Q1572.85 1486.25 1566.53 1486.25 Q1564.36 1486.25 1562.09 1485.88 Q1559.84 1485.51 1557.44 1484.77 L1557.44 1480.07 Q1559.52 1481.2 1561.74 1481.76 Q1563.96 1482.32 1566.44 1482.32 Q1570.44 1482.32 1572.78 1480.21 Q1575.12 1478.1 1575.12 1474.49 Q1575.12 1470.88 1572.78 1468.77 Q1570.44 1466.67 1566.44 1466.67 Q1564.57 1466.67 1562.69 1467.08 Q1560.84 1467.5 1558.89 1468.38 L1558.89 1451.02 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip480)\" d=\"M2075.06 1454.1 Q2071.45 1454.1 2069.62 1457.66 Q2067.81 1461.2 2067.81 1468.33 Q2067.81 1475.44 2069.62 1479.01 Q2071.45 1482.55 2075.06 1482.55 Q2078.69 1482.55 2080.5 1479.01 Q2082.33 1475.44 2082.33 1468.33 Q2082.33 1461.2 2080.5 1457.66 Q2078.69 1454.1 2075.06 1454.1 M2075.06 1450.39 Q2080.87 1450.39 2083.93 1455 Q2087 1459.58 2087 1468.33 Q2087 1477.06 2083.93 1481.67 Q2080.87 1486.25 2075.06 1486.25 Q2069.25 1486.25 2066.17 1481.67 Q2063.11 1477.06 2063.11 1468.33 Q2063.11 1459.58 2066.17 1455 Q2069.25 1450.39 2075.06 1450.39 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip480)\" d=\"M2095.22 1479.7 L2100.11 1479.7 L2100.11 1485.58 L2095.22 1485.58 L2095.22 1479.7 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip480)\" d=\"M2110.43 1484.86 L2110.43 1480.6 Q2112.19 1481.44 2113.99 1481.88 Q2115.8 1482.32 2117.54 1482.32 Q2122.17 1482.32 2124.6 1479.21 Q2127.05 1476.09 2127.4 1469.75 Q2126.05 1471.74 2123.99 1472.8 Q2121.93 1473.87 2119.43 1473.87 Q2114.25 1473.87 2111.22 1470.74 Q2108.21 1467.59 2108.21 1462.15 Q2108.21 1456.83 2111.36 1453.61 Q2114.5 1450.39 2119.74 1450.39 Q2125.73 1450.39 2128.88 1455 Q2132.05 1459.58 2132.05 1468.33 Q2132.05 1476.51 2128.16 1481.39 Q2124.3 1486.25 2117.74 1486.25 Q2115.99 1486.25 2114.18 1485.9 Q2112.37 1485.56 2110.43 1484.86 M2119.74 1470.21 Q2122.88 1470.21 2124.71 1468.06 Q2126.56 1465.9 2126.56 1462.15 Q2126.56 1458.43 2124.71 1456.27 Q2122.88 1454.1 2119.74 1454.1 Q2116.59 1454.1 2114.74 1456.27 Q2112.91 1458.43 2112.91 1462.15 Q2112.91 1465.9 2114.74 1468.06 Q2116.59 1470.21 2119.74 1470.21 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip480)\" d=\"M2150.45 1454.1 Q2146.84 1454.1 2145.01 1457.66 Q2143.21 1461.2 2143.21 1468.33 Q2143.21 1475.44 2145.01 1479.01 Q2146.84 1482.55 2150.45 1482.55 Q2154.09 1482.55 2155.89 1479.01 Q2157.72 1475.44 2157.72 1468.33 Q2157.72 1461.2 2155.89 1457.66 Q2154.09 1454.1 2150.45 1454.1 M2150.45 1450.39 Q2156.26 1450.39 2159.32 1455 Q2162.4 1459.58 2162.4 1468.33 Q2162.4 1477.06 2159.32 1481.67 Q2156.26 1486.25 2150.45 1486.25 Q2144.64 1486.25 2141.56 1481.67 Q2138.51 1477.06 2138.51 1468.33 Q2138.51 1459.58 2141.56 1455 Q2144.64 1450.39 2150.45 1450.39 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip480)\" d=\"M1100.99 1533.45 L1100.99 1538.98 Q1098.51 1537.71 1095.84 1537.07 Q1093.16 1536.44 1090.3 1536.44 Q1085.94 1536.44 1083.74 1537.77 Q1081.58 1539.11 1081.58 1541.79 Q1081.58 1543.82 1083.14 1545 Q1084.7 1546.15 1089.41 1547.2 L1091.41 1547.64 Q1097.65 1548.98 1100.26 1551.43 Q1102.9 1553.85 1102.9 1558.21 Q1102.9 1563.17 1098.96 1566.07 Q1095.04 1568.97 1088.17 1568.97 Q1085.3 1568.97 1082.18 1568.39 Q1079.1 1567.85 1075.66 1566.74 L1075.66 1560.69 Q1078.9 1562.38 1082.06 1563.24 Q1085.21 1564.07 1088.29 1564.07 Q1092.43 1564.07 1094.66 1562.66 Q1096.89 1561.23 1096.89 1558.65 Q1096.89 1556.27 1095.26 1554.99 Q1093.67 1553.72 1088.23 1552.54 L1086.19 1552.07 Q1080.75 1550.92 1078.33 1548.56 Q1075.91 1546.18 1075.91 1542.04 Q1075.91 1537.01 1079.48 1534.27 Q1083.04 1531.54 1089.6 1531.54 Q1092.85 1531.54 1095.71 1532.01 Q1098.57 1532.49 1100.99 1533.45 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip480)\" d=\"M1142.72 1548.76 L1142.72 1551.62 L1115.79 1551.62 Q1116.18 1557.67 1119.42 1560.85 Q1122.7 1564 1128.52 1564 Q1131.9 1564 1135.05 1563.17 Q1138.23 1562.35 1141.35 1560.69 L1141.35 1566.23 Q1138.2 1567.57 1134.89 1568.27 Q1131.58 1568.97 1128.17 1568.97 Q1119.64 1568.97 1114.65 1564 Q1109.68 1559.04 1109.68 1550.57 Q1109.68 1541.82 1114.39 1536.69 Q1119.14 1531.54 1127.16 1531.54 Q1134.35 1531.54 1138.52 1536.18 Q1142.72 1540.8 1142.72 1548.76 M1136.86 1547.04 Q1136.8 1542.23 1134.16 1539.37 Q1131.55 1536.5 1127.22 1536.5 Q1122.32 1536.5 1119.36 1539.27 Q1116.43 1542.04 1115.98 1547.07 L1136.86 1547.04 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip480)\" d=\"M1172.99 1537.87 Q1172 1537.3 1170.82 1537.04 Q1169.68 1536.76 1168.28 1536.76 Q1163.31 1536.76 1160.64 1540 Q1158 1543.22 1158 1549.27 L1158 1568.04 L1152.11 1568.04 L1152.11 1532.4 L1158 1532.4 L1158 1537.93 Q1159.84 1534.69 1162.8 1533.13 Q1165.76 1531.54 1170 1531.54 Q1170.6 1531.54 1171.33 1531.63 Q1172.07 1531.7 1172.96 1531.85 L1172.99 1537.87 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip480)\" d=\"M1174.93 1532.4 L1181.14 1532.4 L1192.28 1562.31 L1203.42 1532.4 L1209.62 1532.4 L1196.26 1568.04 L1188.3 1568.04 L1174.93 1532.4 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" 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