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# AdoptODE
Repository for the AdoptODE Package introduced in "Tutorial: a beginner’s guide to building a representative model of dynamical systems using the adjoint method" (
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This repository contains the adoptODE code as well as example notebooks for setting up systems similar to those in the publication.
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Documentation is also provided here:

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## AdoptODE install 
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AdoptODE relies on [JAX](, for an installation of adoptODE a functioning JAX installation needs to be ensured. To use adoptODE and JAX with GPU support, which we recommend at this point, you must first install [CUDA]( and [CuDNN]( If you already have a working JAX installation, you can add adoptODE to your active environment by running
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user@workstation:~/adoptode pip install .
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in the repository directory.
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### Conda install
If this is ensured, adoptODE including JAX can be installed comparatively easily in a [conda]( environment, e.g: 
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#### AdoptODE with Nvidia GPU support
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user@workstation:~/adoptode conda create --name adoptODE python=3.12
user@workstation:~/adoptode conda activate adoptODE
user@workstation:~/adoptode pip install --upgrade pip
user@workstation:~/adoptode pip install -r requirements_gpu.txt
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#### AdoptODE without Nvidia GPU support
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user@workstation:~/adoptode conda create --name adoptODE python=3.12
user@workstation:~/adoptode conda activate adoptODE
user@workstation:~/adoptode pip install --upgrade pip
user@workstation:~/adoptode pip install -r requirements_cpu.txt
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### Using Apptainer/Singularity
As an alternative to local installations or conda environments, you can also use the container file for [apptainer]( or [singularity]( , providing a minimal environment for adoptODE.
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#### AdoptODE with Nvidia GPU support
For a container with GPU support run:
user@workstation:~/adoptode/container apptainer build adoptODE_GPU.sif adoptODE_GPU.def
After that, you can do a shell run in the container:
user@workstation:~/adoptode/container apptainer shell --nv adoptODE_GPU.sif
Leon Lettermann's avatar
Leon Lettermann committed
#### AdoptODE without Nvidia GPU support
To set up the container file run:
user@workstation:~/adoptode/container apptainer build adoptODE_CPU.sif adoptODE_CPU.def

After that, you can do a shell run in the container:
user@workstation:~/adoptode/container apptainer shell adoptODE_CPU.sif
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## Project organization
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    ├── LICENSE
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    ├──               <- Git markdown file
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    ├── data
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    │   ├── SolarSystem         <- Data to reproduce the Gravitational N-body systems (Solar System) system case from the paper.
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    │   └── Zebrafish           <- Subset of the zebrafish data.
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    ├── container               <- Folder with container defintions for apptainer/singularity
    │   ├── adoptODE_GPU.def
    │   └── adoptODE_CPU.def
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    ├── notebooks               <- Jupyter notebooks with exemplary implementations as they appear in the paper. Note: In some cases, the dimensions of the systems are smaller than the published values.
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    │   ├── BOCF.ipynb
    │   ├── LotkaVolterra.ipynb
    │   ├── RayleighBenard.ipynb
    │   ├── RepulsiveSpheres.ipynb
    │   ├── SolarSystem.ipynb
    │   └── Zebrafish.ipynb     
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    ├── adoptODE                <- Sorce code folder
    │   ├──        <- Framework defintion of adoptODE
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    │   ├──       <- Adaption of the JAX included ODE solver
    │   ├──       <- Adaption of the JAX included ODE solver
    │   └──       <- Customisation of some of the included optimisers in JAX
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    ├── requirements_gpu.txt    <- The requirements file to install adoptODE with GPU support
    ├── requirements_cpu.txt    <- The requirements file install adoptODE without GPU support
    └──                <- makes project pip installable (pip install -e .) so adoptODE can be imported
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