Feature/#27 provide endpoint for transcription and transliteration
With this MR the different text types, transcription and transliteration, are now considered for the HTML creation and the annotations.
The HTML endpoint now not only has a key word to distinguish the two types, but also provides the different texts now at /content/${text-type}/${uri}-${page}.html
The AnnotationAPI considers both the transcription and the transliteration (where present) for the Annotation Pages so that annotations can be shown for both text types in TIDO. Since the annotations are linked with their respective targets via unique IDs, they can easily be matched.
Compliance to “Definition of Done”
Unit tests passed -
Code reviewed -
Product Owner accepts the User Story
I updated the README (if applicable) -
I provided my functions with appropriate documentation -
I updated existing documentation
Are we able to test this new feature?
Yes, everything can be done via unit tests.
I added a statement to the CHANGELOG.
Version number
I bumped the version number in build.properties
Closes #27 (closed)
Edited by Michelle Weidling