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Feature/#149 add variants to annotationapi



This MR adds the variants to the AnnotationAPI.

It also introduces a fix of a bug that lead to different ID assigning during the HTML and the JSON creation as well es some minor refactoring.

Compliance to “Definition of Done”

  • Unit tests passed
  • Code reviewed
  • Product Owner accepts the User Story


  • I updated the README (if applicable)
  • I provided my functions with appropriate documentation
  • I updated existing documentation


Are we able to test this new feature?

  • Yes, everything can be done via unit tests.
  1. Make sure you have all software needed installed (see README).
  2. Execute the following script:

sudo rm -rf exist-app/test
sudo rm exist-app/build/ahikar*
sudo rm -rf docker/exist*/*
docker volume rm ahikar-existdb_Data-testing
docker volume create ahikar-existdb_Data-testing
mkdir -p docker/exist/logs
ant -f exist-app/build.xml dependencies xar
docker-compose --env-file docker/.env --file docker/docker-compose.yml build

docker-compose --env-file docker/.env --file docker/docker-compose.yml up --detach

cd docker || exit
PORT=$(docker-compose ps | grep -E -o "0\.0\.0\.0:[0-9]{5}\->8080" | grep -E -o "0\.0\.0\.0:[0-9]{5}")

sleep 5

firefox $PORT

You will have to wait a few seconds until the db is up and running before you can see the eXist-db dashboard.

  1. Open eXide and go to /db/apps/ahikar/tests/test-runner.xq and execute the tests
  2. check out the test results


  • I added a statement to the CHANGELOG.

Version number

  • I bumped the version number in


Closes #149 (closed).

Logs and Screenshots


/cc Mathias Göbel, Frank Schneider, Michelle Weidling

Edited by Michelle Weidling

Merge request reports
