Bugfix/#171 annotations items provided as object instead of array
Bug fix
This MR considers the case where we have only one annotation item on a page. While this has been stored as object previously, it is now stored within an array and can be accessed properly by TIDO.
How to test:
- go to https://ahikar-test.sub.uni-goettingen.de/api/annotations/ahikar/arabic-karshuni/3r177/6a/annotationPage.json (VPN)
- check if the annotation item is part of an array
Compliance to “Definition of Done”
Unit tests passed -
Code reviewed -
Product Owner accepts the User Story
I added a statement to the CHANGELOG.
Version number
I bumped the version number in build.properties
Readme and general docs
I updated the README (if applicable) and kept the docs up to date.
Closes #171 (closed)
Edited by Michelle Weidling