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Bugfix/#183 item object title wrong cardinality

Bug fix


With this MR, the XPath for retrieving the title object of an item has been refined.

To check if this has been done correctly, go to This page should A) be available (which hasn't been the case before because of the bug) and B) should the title object have the following form:

  "title" : [ {
    "title" : "The Story and Proverbs of Ahiqar the Wise",
    "type" : "main"
  } ]

Compliance to “Definition of Done”

  • Unit tests passed
  • Code reviewed
  • Product Owner accepts the User Story


  • I added a statement to the CHANGELOG.

Version number

  • I bumped the version number in

Readme and general docs

  • I updated the README (if applicable) and kept the docs up to date.


Closes #183 (closed)

/cc Mathias Göbel, Frank Schneider, Michelle Weidling

Merge request reports
