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Feature/#126 deploy version

Mathias Goebel requested to merge feature/#126-deploy-version into develop



This MR provides a routine to install a specified version of the ahiqar application. As develop and main are not getting updates as often as test and since they are not sensitive to the version number (compared to sometimes competing branches with same ver num to be prepared for test), this MR introduces this mechanism for test stage only.

Simply add version GET parameter to the deployment endpoint and set a valid version number that is available in the repository.

The very first pipeline will act against a application without being able to parse the version parameter. Due to backwards compatibility (as it doesnt matter how many unparsed paramters added to the request) it will install the application anyway when a correct version number (larger then the newest in the repository) is set. Exactly this is the problem addressed by this MR. 💅

Compliance to “Definition of Done”

  • Unit tests passed
  • Code reviewed
  • Product Owner accepts the User Story


  • I updated the README (if applicable)
  • I provided my functions with appropriate documentation
  • I updated existing documentation


Are we able to test this new feature?

  • Yes, everything can be done via unit tests.
  • Yes, you can test by following these steps: …
  • No, it is not possible.


  • I added a statement to the CHANGELOG.

Version number

  • I bumped the version number in



Logs and Screenshots

/cc Mathias Göbel, Frank Schneider, Michelle Weidling

Edited by Mathias Goebel

Merge request reports
