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xquery version "3.1";
module namespace d="";
declare namespace ore="";
declare namespace rdf="";
declare namespace tgmd="";
import module namespace commons="" at "commons.xqm";
declare variable $d:uris :=
map {
"syriac": if (doc-available($commons:agg || "3r84g.xml")) then "3r84g" else "sample_lang_aggregation_syriac",
"arabic-karshuni": (
if (doc-available($commons:agg || "3r9ps.xml")) then "3r9ps" else "sample_lang_aggregation_arabic",
if (doc-available($commons:agg || "3r84h.xml")) then "3r84h" else "sample_lang_aggregation_karshuni")
declare function d:get-uris($collection-type as xs:string)
as xs:string+ {
map:get($d:uris, $collection-type)
declare function d:get-json($collection-type as xs:string,
$server as xs:string)
as item()+ {
let $collection-string := d:get-collection-string($collection-type)
let $sequence := d:make-sequence($collection-type, $server)
let $annotationCollection-uri := d:make-annotationCollection-uri($server, $collection-type)
<title>The Story and Proverbs of Ahikar the Wise</title>
<!-- this empty title element is necessary to force JSON to
generate an array instead of a simple object. -->
<name>Prof. Dr. theol. Kratz, Reinhard Gregor</name>
<description>{$collection-string} collection for the Ahiqar project. Funded by DFG, 2019–2020. University of Göttingen</description>
declare function d:get-collection-string($collection-type as xs:string)
as xs:string {
switch ($collection-type)
case "syriac" return "Syriac"
case "arabic-karshuni" return "Arabic/Karshuni"
default return error("D001", "Unknown collection type " || $collection-type)
declare function d:make-sequence($collection-type as xs:string,
$server as xs:string)
as element(sequence)+ {
let $uris := d:get-uris($collection-type)
let $aggregations := d:get-aggregations($uris)
let $allowed-manifest-uris := d:get-allowed-manifest-uris($aggregations)
for $manifest-uri in $allowed-manifest-uris return
let $manifest-metadata := commons:get-metadata-file($manifest-uri)
let $id := d:make-id($server, $collection-type, $manifest-uri)
let $type := d:make-format-type($manifest-metadata)
declare function d:get-aggregations($uris as xs:string+)
as document-node()+ {
for $uri in $uris return
doc($commons:agg || $uri || ".xml")
declare function d:get-allowed-manifest-uris($aggregations as node()+)
as xs:string+ {
let $not-allowed :=
let $allowed :=
for $aggregation-file in $aggregations return
for $aggregate in $aggregation-file//ore:aggregates return
$aggregate[@rdf:resource != $not-allowed]/@rdf:resource
for $uri in $allowed return
declare function d:remove-textgrid-prefix($uri as xs:string)
as xs:string {
replace($uri, "textgrid:", "")
declare function d:make-id($server as xs:string,
$collection-type as xs:string,
$manifest-uri as xs:string)
as xs:string {
$server || "/api/textapi/ahikar/" || $collection-type || "/" || $manifest-uri || "/manifest.json"
declare function d:get-format-type($metadata as document-node())
as xs:string {
=> d:make-format-type()
declare function d:make-format-type($tgmd-format as xs:string)
as xs:string {
switch ($tgmd-format)
case "text/tg.aggregation+xml" return "collection"
case "text/tg.edition+tg.aggregation+xml" return "manifest"
default return "manifest"
declare function d:make-annotationCollection-uri($server as xs:string,
$collection-type as xs:string)
as xs:string {
$server || "/api/annotations/ahikar/" || $collection-type || "/annotationCollection.json"