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hits per sheet optimisation

Nils Windisch requested to merge issue/hits-per-sheet-optimisation into develop

This MR is about the optimization of the search. It contains several improvements:

  • result heading shows a total of all matches, the search term entered, as well as the numbers of distinctive sheets and manifests alike
  • all terms mentioned received a numerus (singularization / pluralization) according to the amount of either hits
  • the hits are shown line by line if there a multiples on a sheet (e.g. wildcard search)
  • the result also lists the edition wherein the search term matched
  • the hitlist is numbered from 1 to n

How to test?

  • open up the environment: hits per sheet optimisation

  • click on search located at the top bar

  • enter a search term, e.g.

  • حيقار

  • السماء

  • المعطر

  • السماء OR حيقار

  • السماء AND حيقار

closes: #94 (closed)

Edited by schneider210

Merge request reports
