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Search hitlist: Scroll to top when going to next page

schneider210 requested to merge issue/#93-scroll-to-top into develop

This MR is about the fix of scrolling to the top of the search page whenever a user hits either of the pagination btns at the bottom of that page.

How to test:

1) Prerequisites

  • git checkout issue/#93-scroll-to-top
  • npm run dev (if it doesn't already)
  • point your browser to http://localhost:8080 (or whichever port your runtime env suggests)

2) Test it by:

  • click on the search btn located at the top bar and enter an arabic search term, e.g. سرحادوم into the input field to see a list of hits / matches.
  • scroll down to the bottom of the page and click either of the (pagination) buttons

expected: => the hit list of results gets updated according to the btn you clicked on and scrolls to the top of the page.

Closes #93 (closed)

Merge request reports
