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Bugfix/#202 ci fix artifact size

Michelle Weidling requested to merge bugfix/#202-ci-fix-artifact-size into develop

Bug fix


This MR provides a mechanism that deletes surplus data from the artifacts. At some point in the past, the recursive addition of older artifacts lead to the artifact size getting bigger and bigger. Especially for develop (which has been left untouched so far) this resulted in the develop directory to become bloated. With this MR, all falsely added directories and files are detected and removed. Only index.html and tido.js are left for each commit/branch.

Apart from that this MR introduces a bit of refactoring to the CI relevant files as well as cleaning up the root directory of the repository by moving the CI relevant scripts to a separate dir.

Does the result of the MR comply to our "definition of done"?

  • Unit tests passed
  • Code reviewed
  • Acceptance criteria met
  • Functional tests passed
  • Non-Functional requirements met
  • Product Owner accepts the User Story


At this point, the pipelines serve as tests. As you can see at they are a) passing and b) the artifact size is massively reduced (to approx. 10MB from approx. 360MB).

You can also verify the mechanism is working by downloading the latest pages artifact of this branch and check the contents of the directories. Every one of them should only contain index.html and tido.js.


Closes #202 (closed).

/cc Mathias Göbel, Frank Schneider, Michelle Weidling

Edited by Michelle Weidling

Merge request reports
