feature/#194: Links in TIDO: implement functionality
This MR provides…
- Links feature inside metadata panel.
Close MR: https://gitlab.gwdg.de/subugoe/emo/Qviewer/-/merge_requests/141
Does the result of the MR comply to our "definition of done"?
Unit tests passed -
Code reviewed -
Acceptance criteria met -
Functional tests passed -
Non-Functional requirements met -
Product Owner accepts the User Story
I updated the README (if applicable) -
I provided my functions with appropriate documentation -
I adjusted other parts of the documentation (if applicable)
Are we able to test this new feature?
Yes, everything can be done via unit tests. -
Yes, you can test by following these steps:
The entry point is included, navigate to "Testdata Manifest 004 Briefwechsel Luther (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)" and open Metadata, you can observe link displayed for different labels.
Other entrypoints: https://ahikar-dev.sub.uni-goettingen.de/api/textapi/ahikar/arabic-karshuni/collection.json Ex: Or. 1292. The Arabic Text in Leiden. - Sheet: 194.
No, it is not possible.
I added a statement to the CHANGELOG.
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Logs and Screenshots
Edited by Manikanth Dindigala