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fix: Refactored the logic of updating the annotations according to text types

Manikanth Dindigala requested to merge issue/refactor-text-type into develop

Bug fix


Apart from what is mentioned in the main ticket you are going to close with this MR, tell us what you have done to achieve this goal.

Refactored the logic of updating the annotations according to text types.

Please pull the changes into local and can be tested for Karshuni collection as well that has multiple text types.


Ex: Brit.Mus. cod. Add. 7209 - Sheet 182b

Mingana Syriac 258 ff.146v-182v - Sheet 147a

Does the result of the MR comply to our "definition of done"?

  • Unit tests passed
  • Code reviewed
  • Acceptance criteria met
  • Functional tests passed
  • Non-Functional requirements met
  • Product Owner accepts the User Story




  • I added a statement to the CHANGELOG.


  • I updated the README (if applicable)
  • I provided my functions with appropriate documentation

/cc Mathias Göbel, Frank Schneider, Michelle Weidling

Edited by schneider210

Merge request reports
