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Feat: QUELLCODE and PDF cards on BDN Print Page, ScrollToTop component created...

Mohd Uwaish requested to merge feat/bdn-print into main

#Feat: QUELLCODE and PDF cards on BDN Print Page, ScrollToTop component created and Added to different Pages


This merge request migrates the following features and improvements to the BDN Print page:



    • Added a card component to display information about the BDN Print codebase.
    • Includes a link to the project's GitLab repository, where users can access the source code and documentation.
    • Clicking the card opens the GitLab repository link in a new tab.
  • PDF Card:

    • Added a card component to provide a download link for the current PDF version of the BDN edition.
    • Includes a note indicating that the PDF reflects the latest development status.
    • Clicking the card opens the download link in a new tab.

ScrollToTop Component

  • ScrollToTop React Component:
    • A new button appears in the bottom right corner when the user scrolls down the page.
    • Clicking the button smoothly scrolls the page back to the top.
    • The button features animations using the Framer Motion library and includes a subtle jump effect on hover.
    • Integrated across pages(Willkomen, Werk, Impressum, Datenschutz).

Task: #52231 - Migrate BDNPrint and ScrollToTop Component

Merge request reports
