To speed up QuiVer Benchmarks you can mount already downloaded text recognition models to `/usr/local/share/ocrd-resources/` in `docker-compose.yml` by adding
To speed up QuiVer Benchmarks you can mount already downloaded text recognition models to `/usr/local/share/ocrd-resources/` in `docker-compose.yml` by adding
@@ -24,11 +25,12 @@ Otherwise, the tool will download all `ocrd-tesserocr-recognize` models as well
@@ -24,11 +25,12 @@ Otherwise, the tool will download all `ocrd-tesserocr-recognize` models as well
- clone this repository and switch to the cloned directory
- clone this repository and switch to the cloned directory
- (optional) [customize](#custom-workflows-and-data) QuiVer Benchmarks according to your needs
- (optional) [customize](#custom-workflows-and-data) QuiVer Benchmarks according to your needs
- build the image with `docker compose build`
- build the image with `make build`
- spin up a container with `docker compose run -d app`
- spin up a container with `make start`
- run `docker compose exec app bash scripts/`
- run `make prepare-default-gt`
- run `docker compose exec app bash workflows/`
- run `make run`
- the benchmarks and the evaluation results will be available at `data/workflows.json` on your host system
- the benchmarks and the evaluation results will be available at `data/workflows.json` on your host system
- when finished, run `make stop` to shut down and remove the Docker container you created previously