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MetricAverageChart.vue 2.21 KiB
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  • <script setup lang="ts">
    import { onMounted, ref, watch } from "vue"
    import api from "@/helpers/api"
    import TimelineChart from "@/components/timeline/TimelineChart.vue"
    import type {EvaluationResultsDocumentWide, EvaluationRun, TimelineChartDataPoint, Workflow} from "@/types"
    import Metrics from '@/helpers/metrics'
    const props = defineProps<{
      gtId: string,
      metric: string
    const data = ref<TimelineChartDataPoint[]>([])
    const maxY = ref(2)
    const workflows = ref<Workflow[] | null>(null)
    const runs = ref<EvaluationRun[]>([])
    onMounted(async () => {
      const { gtId, metric } = props
      workflows.value = await api.getWorkflows()
      runs.value = await api.getRuns(gtId)
      data.value = getTimelineData(runs.value, metric)
      maxY.value = getMaxYByMetric(metric)
    watch(() => props.metric, async (value) => {
      data.value = getTimelineData(runs.value, value)
      maxY.value = getMaxYByMetric(value)
    function getTimelineData(runs: EvaluationRun[], metric: string): TimelineChartDataPoint[] {
      const datesValues = runs.reduce((acc, cur) => {
          const date = new Date(new Date(cur.metadata.timestamp).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)).toDateString()
          const value = cur.evaluation_results.document_wide[<keyof EvaluationResultsDocumentWide>metric]
          if (!value || Array.isArray(value)) return acc
          if (!acc[date]) acc[date] = [value]
          else acc[date] = [...acc[date], value]
          return acc
        <{ [key: string]: number[] }>{})
      return Object
          .sort((a, b) => new Date(a) - new Date(b))
          .map(date => {
            const value = datesValues[date].reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / datesValues[date].length
            return {
              date: new Date(date),
    function getMaxYByMetric(metric: string) {
      if (metric === Metrics.CER_MEAN) return 2
      if (metric === Metrics.CER_MEDIAN) return 2
      if (metric === Metrics.CER_STANDARD_DEVIATION) return 2
      if (metric === Metrics.WER) return 1
      if (metric === Metrics.WALL_TIME) return 2
      if (metric === Metrics.PAGES_PER_MINUTE) return 100
      if (metric === Metrics.CPU_TIME) return 100
      else return 1
      <TimelineChart :data="data" :max-y="maxY" />
    <style scoped lang="scss">