"README.md" did not exist on "e23136e51a5c0430ea759a9aa3fc7b213e5823b1"
xquery version "3.1";
: Copyright (c) 2018 Uwe Sikora
: Copyright (c) 2018–2019 Michelle Weidling
: Copyright (c) 2020 Stefan Hynek
: This file is part of intermediate-format.
: intermediate-format is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
: the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
: (at your option) any later version.
: intermediate-format is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
: GNU General Public License for more details.
: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
: along with intermediate-format. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
: ifweb.xql offers a simple interface for creating the website specific BdN
: intermediate format of a given resource.
: @author Michelle Rodzis
: @version 1.0
module namespace ifweb="http://bdn-edition.de/intermediate_format/ifweb";
declare namespace tei = "http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0";
import module namespace console="http://exist-db.org/xquery/console";
import module namespace pre="http://bdn-edition.de/intermediate_format/preprocessing" at "preprocessing.xqm";
import module namespace ident = "http://bdn-edition.de/intermediate_format/identification" at "identification.xqm";
import module namespace config = "http://bdn-edition.de/intermediate_format/config" at "../config.xqm";
declare option exist:serialize "method=xml media-type=text/xml omit-xml-declaration=no indent=no";
declare variable $ifweb:replace-whitespace := true();
declare function ifweb:main($resource as xs:string) as xs:string? {
let $doc := doc($config:sade-data || $resource)
let $filename := substring-before($resource, '.xml') || "-if.xml"
declare function ifweb:transform($doc as node()*, $filename as xs:string)
let $preprocessed-data := pre:preprocessing($doc/tei:TEI, $ifweb:replace-whitespace)
let $intermediate-format := ident:walk($preprocessed-data, ())
let $store := xmldb:store($config:sade-data, $filename, $intermediate-format)
declare function ifweb:transform($doc as node()*, $filename as xs:string,
$target-dir as xs:string) as node()* {
let $preprocessed-data := pre:preprocessing($doc/tei:TEI, $ifweb:replace-whitespace)
let $intermediate-format := ident:walk($preprocessed-data, ())
let $store := xmldb:store($target-dir, $filename, $intermediate-format)
return $intermediate-format
declare function ifweb:complete-xml($author as xs:string, $xml as node()*)
as node()* {
let $filename := $author || "-full-if.xml"
return ifweb:transform($xml, $filename)
declare function ifweb:single-xml($filename as xs:string, $src-dir as xs:string,
$target-dir as xs:string) as node()* {
let $resource := doc($src-dir || $filename)
return ifweb:transform($resource, $filename, $target-dir)
declare function ifweb:transform-split-xml($xml as node()*, $filename as xs:string,
let $preprocessed-data := pre:preprocessing($xml/*, $ifweb:replace-whitespace)
let $editorial-notes := pre:get-editorial-notes($xml/*, $ifweb:replace-whitespace)
let $intermediate-format := ident:walk($preprocessed-data, ())
(: sometimes we have structural variance on chapter level - in these cases
tei:app is the root element of $xml, not tei:div. for the HTML serialization
of the structural variance to function properly we have to preserve the
tei:app :)
let $content :=
if($xml[self::tei:app]) then
element tei:app {
attribute id {generate-id($xml)},
attribute id {generate-id($xml)},
let $transformed :=
element tei:div {
let $store := xmldb:store($dir, $filename, $transformed)
return $intermediate-format