Explore projects
User friendly html form builder. A customized Django Wagtail app.
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Software to run the portal for the public TextGrid repository.
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Open Platform for the Interactive Discussion of Research Data Quality (on the example of area studies on the post-Soviet region)
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VueJS application for the 2020 implementation of Germania Sacra.
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Device Live Cycle Database and Asset Management system for IT stuff https://dlcdb.pages.gwdg.de/django-dlcdb
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The Sphaera Microsite based on the MPIWG Jekyll theme
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Frontend for MetaboSERV, based on VueJS3 and TypeScript. To be used with the according backend service.
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This project covers the GRO service Data Management Planning.
The service is implemented using the RDMO software .
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Blogging about your stupid solution is still better than being quiet
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