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  • Mathias Goebel's avatar
    feat: import performance · 9f879e6f
    Mathias Goebel authored
    chore: update tg-connect to 2.1.1 (performance)
    feat: further performance improvement
    Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s) by Michelle Weidling
    fix(test): requests to the API when in-cluster
    chore: be less verbose when everything is fine
    test: fix function item error (by Michelle Weidling)
    test: startup script testing for secret present
    fix: set URL in local env w/o container
    fix: tests (partly)
    fix: collection creation
    chore: comment on hash sum usage for referencing an image 
    feat: import performance
    feat: add dev env setup script
    ci: add build arg to Dockerfile for adressing XAR version
    feat: use server URL variable from commons
    feat: move REST path parts to commons
    co-authored-by: @mrodzis