Resolve "remove deprecated docker-compose image"
Closes #260 (closed)
i also checked that the kaniko-built images are deployed and running on the server:
- existdb:
- Published to the subugoe/ahiqar/backend/existdb image repository at 04:25 GMT+0100 on 2023-01-18
- Configuration digest: sha256:f107a63297c89cd1c0339e7e899d777ba3eeefbac408237e43f4e1339ee13e91
- httpd
- Published to the subugoe/ahiqar/backend/httpd image repository at 04:25 GMT+0100 on 2023-01-18
- Configuration digest: sha256:b05a61877ecf2607c4f60f62a75f79cf933f9975c9c6a85e47e055bc76710e16
ahikardocker@swarmnode11:~/test$ docker-compose images
Container Repository Tag Image Id Size
test_existdb_1 testing f107a63297c8 293 MB
test_httpd-prometheus_1 latest d32bc99f5255 15.5 MB
test_httpd_1 testing b05a61877ecf 138 MB
Edited by Mathias Goebel