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feat: annotations

schneider210 requested to merge feature/#41-annotations into develop



This MR enables TIDO to display annotations.

Does the result of the MR comply to our "definition of done"?

  • Unit tests passed
  • Code reviewed
  • Acceptance criteria met
  • Functional tests passed
  • Non-Functional requirements met
  • Product Owner accepts the User Story


  • I updated the README (if applicable)
  • I provided my functions with appropriate documentation
  • I adjusted other parts of the documentation (if applicable)


Are we able to test this new feature?

  • Yes, everything can be done via unit tests.
  • Yes, you can test by following these steps:


feature tests:

  • action
    • navigate to Cod. Arab. 236 Copenhagen => Sheet 2a
  • expectation
    • data toggles in the anno panel are selected (according to the content types available in the text)
    • the list below shows all the annotations highlighted
    • the text counterparts are underlined and have an icon attached to it (according to the type given)
  • action
    • click on the names toggle at the top
  • expectation
    • names toggle turns inactive
    • the list gets reduced by all the annotations that correspond to names
    • text counterparts (names) aren't underlined and haven't an icon attached to it
  • action
    • click on the names toggle at the top again
  • expectation
    • pls refer to the step above; this time the behaviour is the other way around: toggle gets active, names are back in list (in sorted order, taking the remaining / shown data types into account) and text is highlighted again
  • action
    • click a single annotation in the annotation list
  • expectation
    • the item gets dehighlighted as it's text counterpart in the text panel does and the "none" button is highlighted, since now there aren't all of the annotations selected
  • action
    • reverse the last step: click the dehighlighted text entity in the in the text panel
  • expectation
    • the text gets highlighted again as it's list counterpart in the annotation panel does and the "all" button is highlighted again (pls take a look at the lower third of the anno panel => options)
  • action
    • click on none in the "options section" (see above)
  • expectation
    • all the annotations get dehighlighted at once but are still shown. this applies to the text entities as well
  • action
    • hover over the comment toggle
  • expectation
    • since the current item doesn't contain any comment, the cursor turns into a "disabled state" and the toggle isn't clickable
  • action
    • click all active data type toggles one after another
  • expectation
    • the toggles turn inactive
    • all the text entities get dehighlighted
    • there is no list of annotations in the anno panel anymore
    • instead there is a notification that addresses the user to interact: Toggle at least one data type to show annotations
  • action
    • from here (referring to the last step) click an arbitray text entity in the text panel
  • expectation
    • the appropriate text entity gets highlighted (underlined and icon attached)
    • the data type toggle gets active (according to the type you clicked on) and every corrseponding type is shown
    • only the annotation that matches it's text counterpart is highlighted. All the others are shown, but are dehighlighted
  • action
    • select the "next" item: e.g. click on next sheet or select it in the tree => Sheet 2b
  • expectation
    • this item doesn't contain any annotation at all, hence a user notification is displayed: => no annotations available
  • action
    • navigate to Sheet 4a
  • expectation
    • the annotations get updated according to the current item shown
    • the places toggle gets inactive (no places here)
    • the comments toggle turns active (the item contains a single comment)
  • action
    • click the names toggle
  • expectation
    • the annotation list shows only the single comment
    • since there is a single item in the annotation list only, the sorting buttons completely disappear

Different text types

  • action
    • navigate to Mingana Syriac 133 ff.82v-103r => Sheet 82a
    • click on TRANSLITERATION at the top of the text panel to switch the text
  • expectation
    • the annotations update according to the text type selected


Pls note: (just as a reminder) since it's about config, you have to reload your page everytime you are about change sth in the index.template.html file

  • action

    • open the index-template.html file
    • find the section for the annotations to be configured (at the top of the config object)
    • toggle the show key to false and reload your page
  • expectation

    • all the data type toggles are inactive
    • a user notification shows up
    • nothing is highlighted
  • action

    • change an icon (config => types): e.g. for the persons:

    "css": "fa-user" => "css": "fa-search" "icon": "fasUser" => "icon": "fasSearch"

    refresh your page

  • expectation

    • all the icons (according to the data type you changed) change to the newly configured icon face
  • action

    • repeat the last step, but this time provide a nonsense name for the SVG, or rather force a typo: e.g. "icon": "fasUser" => "icon": "fasBla"
  • expectation

    • since fasBla doesn't exist, a fallback icon is shown in the annotation panel (data toggles and list alike). For the time being this fallback point to fasTimes, but this might need an improvement from a semantical perspective
  • action

    • change a label: e.g. "label": "Places" to "label": "Orte"
  • expectation

    • the label of the appropriate data type toggle (top of the anno panel) changes according to your configuration
  • action

    • add a completely new object to the types array: { "content-type": "TestIt", "css": "fa-search", "icon": "fasSearch", "label": "ABC123" },
  • expectation

    • your recently created additional content type gets rendered as an additional data type toggle.

Pls note: As long as the API doesn't provide a type called TestIt and / or the current item you are displaying doesn't contain an equaling content type, the data toggle is disabled

Please take a look at the README section as well. Thank you!

  • No, it is not possible.


  • I added a statement to the CHANGELOG.

Related Tickets

Add all related issues and especially those to be closed.


#41 (closed) #158 (closed) #159 (closed) #161 (closed) #162 (closed) #169 (closed) #170 (closed) #179 (closed) #180 (closed) #190 (closed) #225 (closed)



#41 (closed) #158 (closed) #159 (closed) #161 (closed) #162 (closed) #169 (closed) #170 (closed) #179 (closed) #180 (closed) #190 (closed) #225 (closed)

Logs and Screenshots

/cc Mathias Göbel, Frank Schneider, Michelle Weidling

Edited by schneider210

Merge request reports
