Draft: fix/#356: Brackets in link text and lists of links cause an error
Bug fix
- Show the full link text which is in the brackets.
- List of all the links that can be available for a Metadata value.
To test list of links:
- please pull the branch
in local and navigate tourls.vue
component. - Comment out the lines from 37 - 42 and add the following sample value below:
data() { return { content: '30. März 1822. Hegel an Kultusministerium (https://dev.gfl.sub.uni-goettingen.de/id/Z_1822-03-30_k); 3. April 1822. Von Henning an Altenstein (https://dev.gfl.sub.uni-goettingen.de/id/Z_1822-04-03_k); 24. Juni 1820. Hardenberg an Altenstein (Ausfertigung) (https://dev.gfl.sub.uni-goettingen.de/id/Z_1820-06-24_k); 8. Juli 1820. Altenstein an Hardenberg (Konzept) (https://dev.gfl.sub.uni-goettingen.de/id/Z_1820-07-08_k); 22. Juli 1820. Hardenberg an Altenstein (Ausfertigung) (https://dev.gfl.sub.uni-goettingen.de/id/Z_1820-07-22_k)', }; },
- This is a sample value of Metadata from GFL and once we run the app, navigate to Metadata tab and we can notice the links are displayed as expected.
Sample screenshot:
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Edited by Manikanth Dindigala