Explore projects
Document based generic data mapper/reducer/visualiser using the MEAN stack
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subugoe / gdz-app
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0UpdatedUpdated -
subugoe / lab.sub
MIT LicenseBlogging about your stupid solution is still better than being quiet
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some refined and transformed metadata from DigiZeitschriften
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eRA public / GRO - Plan
Apache License 2.0This project covers the GRO service Data Management Planning.
The service is implemented using the RDMO software .
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Archived 1Updated
The Sphaera Microsite based on the MPIWG Jekyll theme
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Discuss Data Project / Discuss Data
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Open Platform for the Interactive Discussion of Research Data Quality (on the example of area studies on the post-Soviet region)
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Software to run the portal for the public TextGrid repository.
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once this projects hosted the custom TIDO installation for the Ahiqar project. For details see https://ahiqar.uni-goettingen.de it is deprecated since the newer embedded version of TIDO (v3.0.0) came out.
Archived 1Updated -
subugoe / emo / TIDO
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Vue.js implementation of the TIDO Viewer – a reference implementation for the TextAPI. Part of the modularized framework for serving Digital Editions at Göttingen State and University Library.
Archived 2Updated -
DunkelzifferRadar / dzr_web_app
MIT LicenseWeb Dashboard zur Visualisierung und Präsentation der Ergebnisse der Dunkelziffer-Bestimmung.
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VueJS application for the 2020 implementation of Germania Sacra.
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fginfo / Göttinger Informatiktage / Sit Website
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Jose Calvo Tello / slides
The UnlicenseUpdated -
This is the reporting project for TASHI providing WebMMI and document based reports.