Feature/#187 udpdate to exist 5 3 0 6 of 9 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!163
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Bugfix/#171 annotations items provided as object instead of array 5 of 6 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!158
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Bugfix/#183 item object title wrong cardinality 6 of 6 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!161
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docs: add CI docs 3 of 8 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!157
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Bugfix/#178 fonts are empty 4 of 6 checklist items completedupdated
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Feature/#174 performance improve triggers 5 of 9 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!156updated
feat: indicate person responsible for correction 5 of 9 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!155updated
feat: remove `total` and `startIndex` 8 of 9 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!154
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Feature/#169 html performance 7 of 10 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!152
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Feature/#170 annotations performance total no of annotations 5 of 8 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!153updated
Feature/#159 annotations performance 7 of 10 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!150
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- 7
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Feature/#167 annotations motifs that span several pages 6 of 6 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!151
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Feature/#164 annotations html implementation of simple motifs 7 of 9 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!146
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Feature/#159 annotations performance part 1: refactoring 5 of 9 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!145updated
Feature/#162 annotations add motifs to api 7 of 10 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!144updated
chore: switch from bintray to github 6 of 9 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!140
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docs: improve README 4 of 5 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!138
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Feature/#149 add variants to annotationapi 7 of 9 checklist items completedupdated
Bugfix/#158: set annotation string for body value (persons, places) 7 of 10 checklist items completedsubugoe/ahiqar/backend!136
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